
7 types of applications you can create with Flutter

Flutter is an increasingly popular framework for developing mobile applications, which was created by Google. It stands out from other tools primarily because of its simplicity, efficiency and the ability to create cross-platform applications with a single code. If you are wondering what you can write with Flutter, here are some inspiring ideas. 1. mobile apps for Android and iOS Flutter...

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Website vs. web application - what is the difference?

W świecie technologii pojęcia strona internetowa i aplikacja webowa często są mylone i używane zamiennie, ale w rzeczywistości różnią się one od siebie w kilku istotnych aspektach. Zastanawiasz się, czym tak naprawdę różnią się te dwa rozwiązania? Poniżej znajdziesz szczegółowe wyjaśnienie. 1. Strona internetowa – co to takiego? Strona internetowa to klasyczna forma obecności w…

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3..2..1.. We are taking off!

We are happy to announce that our new website chdr.tech has just launched! As a software house full of passion for technology, we not only want to offer professional services, but also share our knowledge. What can you find on our blog? We want to create a place full of valuable knowledge for both developers and technology enthusiasts. Take a look at our site, because from time to time....